Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Erisol again

twinArmageddons [TA] joined chat.
caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat.
TA: hii ed
CA: hello sol
TA: how are you
CA: fine i guess
CA: kinda bored but thats about it
TA: oh
CA: although i vvery much doubt you havve much more to do than i do since youre talkin to me
CA: so
CA: wwhat about you
TA: well ii am good al2o. your not that bad ya know
CA: wwhat
TA: your not that bad
TA: Englii2h do you 2peak iit
CA: hahaha funny joke sol
TA: iim not jokiing...
CA: i dont believve im talkin to kar here
CA: those are yelloww wwords not obnoxious grey
CA: seriously stop jokin around evveryone knowws wwe dont like each other
TA: iim not fuckiing jokiing damn your 2uch an a22hole
CA: im gettin mixed signals here
TA: >:/ dude you hone2tly not that bad ii try to be niice for once...
CA: that sounds challengin
CA: but i might as wwell accept your compliment anywway
CA: or at least i think it wwas a compliment
CA: perhaps it wwas in a sarcastic tone
CA: but lets not think about that right noww
TA: no iit wa2nt, ii liike you do ii have to 2pell iit out?!!
CA: no i think i got it
TA: *blu2he2 and puot2*
TA: jegu2...
TA: and ii bet you don't liike me back
CA: i nevver said that
TA: hn well you 2ure act liike iit
CA: wwell yeah
TA: 2o iit2 true
CA: not necessarily
CA: just because someone acts one wway doesnt mean they feel that wway right
CA: isnt that howw it wworks
TA: Ahhhhhhh gog damn iit 2top toyiing wiith me
CA: heh
CA: call it a habit
TA: you know what fuck iit forget ii 2aiid anythiing
TA: youre an a22
CA: i knoww
CA: youre the one wwho considers me a friend remember
CA: youre the one wwho made friends wwith an asshole
CA: wwhoa calm dowwn there
CA: yeah sure i like you
TA: II con2iider you more than a friiend eriidan
CA: wwhat
TA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?nomobile=1&v=lsVHvTdLezY
TA: for no rea2on
TA: But hell ii fuckiing love you bro
CA: i feel no compulsion to click that judgin by the fact you are mischievvously good at makin vviruses
CA: but wwait wwhat do you mean
CA: are you tryin to say you arent black for me or wwhat
TA: Ed iit2 a youtube viideo
TA: and yeah ii 2aiid ii love you 2o there
CA: im still quite dubious
TA: black love, but love
CA: so you ARE black for me huh
CA: i totally kneww it
TA: *blu2he2*
CA: its evven better wwhen you admit it
CA: wwell maybe theres just a tiny smidgen a me that feels black for you too
TA: do you love me back?
TA: or are you toyiing
CA: i dont think i toy around about quadrants do i
TA: *kii22e2 cheek*
CA: *Pauses, then smirks.*
CA: so its official huh
CA: kismesis
TA: ye2. don't make me regret thii2
CA: ill make an attempt
CA: no promises
TA: *2iigh2*
TA: ju2t 2top you a22
CA: i dont knoww
CA: howw about you make me stop
TA: *piin2 agaiin2t wall* do you want me too make you?
CA: *Smirks, grabbing a fistful of Sollux's shirt* id like to see you fuckin try
TA: *2lam2 hii2 liip2 onto ed'2*
TA: ok then
CA: *Pauses, blinking.*
CA: i think ill stop noww
TA: oh hell no
TA: punii2hment tiime. you wanted a kii2me2ii2
CA: ugh
CA: asshole youre the one wwho wwanted me to stop
TA: you got one
TA: *kii22e2 roughly*

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