Monday, July 15, 2013


Monday 15 July 2013

naked!arsenicCatnip [AC] joined chat.
FelicianoVargas [Italy] joined chat.
Italy: ciao!
AC: :33 < uh
Italy: are you italian?
AC: :33 < s-soery
AC: :33 < alternian
Italy: in my country it is normal
AC: :33 < nice curl sir
Italy: to be publicly naked
AC: :33 < really? heh i didnt know that
Italy: thank you!
AC: :33 < h33h33 youre welcome :33
Italy: i run around naked all the time
AC: :33 < you do?
Italy: by the way, your really pretty! ve~
Italy: yep
Italy: *goofy grin*
AC: :33 < *she blushes brightly* t-thanks
Italy: no problem! :D. im Feliciano. your name?
AC: :33 < nepeta
AC: :33 < nice name sir
Italy: Thanks. Yours is really pretty!
naked!arsenicCatnip's connection timed out. Please don't quit straight away; they could be back.
naked!arsenicCatnip [AC] joined chat.
AC: :33 < thanks
Italy: So how are you?
AC: :33 < not so good
Italy: what happened?D:
AC: :33 < someone stole my clothes while i was in the shower
Italy: O-O. That sucks. It was probably France, so you wont be getting them back.
Italy: Hes a perv.
AC: :33 < really?
AC: :33 < fiddlesticks! *she stomps the ground with her foot and crosses her arms*
Italy: Yeah. Hes kind of a dick.
AC: :33 < i dont like him
Italy: Watch out he might try to rape you!Neither do I*concerned face*
AC: :33 < w-what?! thats horrible!
Italy: Yeah it is.
Italy: and hes my brother too.
AC: :33 < oh he is?
Italy: yeah -_-
Italy: Such a douche.
Italy: He does stick up for me though
AC: :33 < he does?
Italy: Yes he keeps away bullies.
Italy: :P
AC: :33 < well at least he has a good side
Italy: Yeah I guess so.
Italy: vee~*gives her his jacket*
Italy: you look uncomfertable being naked
AC: :33 < thanks! *she takes it and puts it on*
Italy: It fits well!
Italy: :D
AC: :33 < it does *she looks down at herself and does a few turns*
Italy: Ve~ I just realized you look like a Kitty-Cat!
AC: :33 < h33h33h33 is it my tail?
Italy: And your ears! *scratches behind horns thinking they are ears*
AC: :33 < *she giggles and flickers her tail*
AC: :33 < those arent ears silly
AC: :33 < those are my horns
Italy: Ve?
Italy: I didn't know you had horns!
Italy: That's so cool!
AC: :33 < thanks h33h33
Italy: Does it feel nice when i scratch behind them?
AC: :33 < yeah it does
Italy: Okay!*scratches behind them*
Italy: :D
AC: :33 < *she smiles and purrs softly*
Italy: Cool you can purr too!*continues* Just like a real kitty!
AC: :33 < h33h33 thanks *she snuggles close to him and continues purring*
Italy: *pets her*
AC: :33 < *she closes her eyes and purrs louder*
Italy: :D This is so cool.
AC: :33 < ...huh?
Italy: Petting you just like a cat when your not! Its not every day you can do this to a person
Italy: I wish Germany would let me do this!
AC: :33 < h33h33 youre right
Italy: Hes like a big teddy bear!
AC: :33 < he sounds so cute
AC: :33 < i wish people would pet me once in a while
Italy: He is, but only when no one is around. Maybe your friends would if you asked!
Italy: *continues petting*
AC: :33 < nah theyre too busy acting cool and stuff
Italy: Aww...
AC: :33 < i know... :((
Italy: Id have Japan pet me but he is strictly no touching... :(
AC: :33 < really?
AC: :33 < but hes missing out on so msny things
AC: :33 < what about hugs?
Italy: eh. its his culture i guess. I hugged him once and he freaked out... XD
AC: :33 < h33h33h33 that sounds kind of adorable
Italy: lol it was!
Italy: he was so embarrassed!
AC: :33 < i wonder how he would react with kisses...that would be purretty funny huh
Italy: hehehe i should try it!
Italy: Ve~
Italy: i bet a kiss on the cheek would turn him red as cinnamon candy!
AC: :33 < *she laughs* im sure it would
Italy: What about some of your friends?
AC: :33 < they would think im crazy
Italy: No i mean what are they like?
AC: :33 < oh
AC: :33 < theyre really cool
AC: :33 < some have amazing pawers
Italy: like what? :D
AC: :33 < like mind control and psionics
AC: :33 < others, like my meowrail, are incredibly strong
Italy: Mind control is scary! Ve~ America is very strong too! Whats a meowrail?
AC: :33 < its like a really good furriend
Italy: Oh... Like Germany!
AC: :33 < we take care of each other
Italy: Only I like germany more then that i think...
AC: :33 < you do?
Italy: Yeah...
AC: :33 < how so?
Italy: well we kiss eachothers cheeks alot and we've said we love eachothers more than once...
AC: :33 < so you f33l red fur germany?
Italy: What does that mean?
AC: :33 < it kind of translates to human romance
AC: :33 < do you like germany,
Italy: oh... yeah i guess. But im scared to tell him...
AC: :33 < i know that f33ling...
Italy: Oh really?
Italy: You can tell me
Italy: :)
AC: :33 < i f33l really red towards one of my furriends
Italy: Aww... Im sure he likes you to!
AC: :33 < i dont know...he avoids me all the time...
Italy: well eventually he will see fur himself what an awesome purrson you are! :D
Italy: like my puns?
AC: :33 < h33h33h33 you think so?
AC: :33 < i do :33
Italy: Definitely!
AC: :33 < thanks *she hugs him*
Italy: *huggs back*
AC: :33 < im sure germany likes you back
Italy: Thanks... I hope he does...
AC: :33 < how will you tell him?
Italy: I think I'll write him a letter... Or get him to lean down and give him an on-the-lips kiss
AC: :33 < that sounds k
Italy: k?
AC: :33 < *like a good plan
Italy: oh! Thanks!
Italy: I hope thinks go well with your crush
AC: :33 < i hope so too
Italy: :)
AC: :33 < if i did that to karkitty he would purrobably furreak out
Italy: Really? But your so awesome id think hed like it! He sounds kinda mean!
AC: :33 < hes a bit...grumpy all the time
AC: :33 < but d33p down hes really nice
Italy: maybe he sounds like doitsu(my nickname for germany)
AC: :33 < he does? what a coincidence
Italy: only doitsu is just really strict...
AC: :33 < he is?
Italy: Yeah
AC: :33 < let me guess he wants to lead always and have things his way
Italy: it's weird though, he does, but hes also my exact opposite. hes strict, im carefree, i like cats, he likes dogs...ect.
AC: :33 < hmmm...some say opposites attract
Italy: yeah. all the more reason your crush will feel the same some day!
AC: :33 < i think he likes someone else..
Italy: who?
Italy: :(
AC: :33 < one of my best furriends
Italy: aww... sometime you have to be happy that they're happy
AC: :33 < their situation is complicated but i know theres something betw33n them
AC: :33 < i know
Italy: :( thats sad...
AC: :33 < im trying to be as mature as pawsible and accept it wont happeb betw33n us
Italy: but that has to be hard
AC: :33 < because i want terezi to be happy
Italy: im sorry...
AC: :33 < she deserves it
AC: :33 < its ok...ill survive
Italy: thats a good mentality to have *pats back*
Italy: <:)
AC: :33 < thanks :33
Italy: does your moirail know? maybe he can help out?
AC: :33 < he...doesnt like the idea of me going fur a "lowb100d"
Italy: lowblood?
Italy: ???
AC: :33 < you s33
AC: :33 < my species has a hemospectrum
Italy: wait so you have diffrent blood colours?
AC: :33 < those with...uh...warm blood colors are considered lowbloods
AC: :33 < yes
Italy: In my species we only have candy red...
AC: :33 < those with cold blood colors are high bloods
AC: :33 < i know
Italy: What color is yours?
AC: :33 < olive gr33n
AC: :33 < im a middle class
Italy: woah cool!
AC: :33 < its nice
Italy: What colour is your crushes?
AC: :33 < he likes to k33p it a secret
Italy: oh...
AC: :33 < but i know it is candy red
AC: :33 < like yours
Italy: woah! and your moirail?
AC: :33 < royal blue
AC: :33 < hes purretty high in the hemospectru.
AC: :33 < *hemosprctrum
Italy: royalty im guessing
AC: :33 < almost
AC: :33 < he is high but not high enough
Italy: oh okay
AC: :33 < violets and fuschias are royalty
Italy: well he should help you anyway, hes supposed to be there for you!
AC: :33 < i know
AC: :33 < he is too stubborn
AC: :33 < i know he cares he just doesnt like showing it
Italy: Tell him to quit being a weiner. *trys an angry face but cant*
AC: :33 < *she giggles at his face* i will
Italy: *laughs*
Italy: good
AC: :33 < i have to go now
Italy: bye bye *hugs*
AC: :33 < good luck with germany :33
AC: :33 < *she hugs back*
naked!arsenicCatnip [AC] disconnected.
Italy: good luck with yours too!
FelicianoVargas [Italy] disconnected.

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