caligulasAquarium [CA] joined chat.
bleedingtodeath! twinArmageddons [TA] joined chat.
TA: *coughs*
CA: Sol...
CA: wwhat happened!
TA: come to mock me
CA: *kneels dowwn beside him* no..
TA: Jack Noir happened
CA: wwhere....wwhere are you bleedin from....maybe i can help!
TA: my back.
TA: he cut my 2piinal cord
TA: ii cant move
CA: *looks almost Upset* oh...*runs off for a moment,getting some badages and coming back*
TA: *cough2 up blood*
CA: Atleast wwe can try to stop the bleedin..
CA: shit...
TA: what
CA: th-this is alot of blood...
TA: *2tart2 lo2iing conciiou2ne22*
CA: no no no...
CA: stay wwith me...
CA: please..
TA: iill try ed
CA: *wwraps the bandages around his wwaist* d-dont....leavve me..
CA: *ties the banadage all around sollux's back and wwaist*
CA: *making sure to covver up all the wwounds*
TA: *2miirk2* iim not that ea2y to get riid of ed
CA: *some tears fall from his eyes*
TA: dont cry...
CA: i-i cant...stop.. *more tears stream dowwn his cheeks*
TA: *reache2 up and wiipe2 them from hii2 face*2miile2 2oftly* iit wiill be okay
CA: no it wwont...
TA: iill bee fiine, the bleediing ha2 2topped
CA: b-but you're still hurt..
TA: ii can make iit, iim a tough troll...
CA: *kisses his forehead*...i wwish i could just...make you better..
CA: b-but i cant...wwe all knoww that.
TA: *kii22e2* the only thiing ii need ii2 you...
CA: *Hugs him,not letting go,but being careful of his wwounds*
TA: *hug2 hiim back*
CA: *sighs*
TA: ii2 2omethiing botheriing you?
CA: pathetic
CA: i wwasnt evven here wwhen it happened
CA: i should a been here earlier.
TA: no your not your amaziing*pu2he2 haiir out of your face*
CA: no i am not...
TA: *kii22e2* you're the be2t thiing that ha2 ever happened to me ed
CA: are ya sure about that
TA: ye2 of cour2e
CA: *nuzzles him*
TA: *2iigh2 contently*
TA: ((best timeline ever))
CA: ((yep)) *still has not let him go yet*
TA: *kii22e2 forhead* ii love you eriidan
CA: i lovve you more...
TA: haha you wii2h
TA: ii obviiou2ly love you more
CA: nuh-uh *smiles* i lovve YOU more~
TA: lol iin your dream2. my love for you ii2 liike diiviidiing by 0. iit cannot be defiined
CA: *smirks*
CA: *Leans on him a bit*
TA: *wiince2 under hii2 breath*
CA: *Stops leaning on him*
CA: oops...
CA: sorry
CA: *nuzzles his cheek*
TA: iit2 okay ju2t the wound... be a liittle care full
TA: *kii22e2 hii2 neck*
CA: *Purrs slightly* alright..
TA: *2miile2**kii22e2 rougher*
CA: *Fins movve a bit*
TA: Do you liike that?
CA: *nods*
TA: *2earche2 for 2weet 2pot*
TA: *2uck2 on iit*
CA: prrrrrrrr....
TA: *griin2*
CA: *drools alittle*
TA: ed what the fuck?*chuckle2*
TA: goof
CA: *wwipes his mouth off and laughs* dork
TA: *contiinue2 hii2 a22ault*
CA: *leans back a bit*
TA: (ii meant the a22ault on eriidan2 neck :p)
TA: ii thought you liiked iit when ii 2ucked on your neck
CA: ((I am awware)
CA: I do..
CA: *stares at him*
TA: what2 wrong?
CA: nothin..
TA: why diid you lean back?
CA: so i dont fall ovver *giggles*
TA: hnn well then*pu2he2 eriidan over and pull2 hiim2elf on top
TA: *
CA: *looks at him* wwhatcha' doing...
TA: thii2 *2uck2 on 2weet 2pot roughly*
CA: *squeaks*
TA: *laugh2* ed you are 2uch a goof
CA: *wwraps arms around sollux's shoulders gently* and you're adorkable.
TA: *2miile2*
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